Local Community Assistance Program
At First Presbyterian Church, we are committed to helping those experiencing food insecurity and homelessness. We offer three sources of assistance outlined below.
We are not currently meeting in person.
You must fill out the REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE FORM via the LINK BELOW.

Food Voucher or Utility Payment
These funds are intended to fill the gap while persons are seeking more substantial assistance from other sources like Helping Hands, UCHRA, Rescue Mission
What we offer:
We offer a $25.00 food voucher or a $25 check mailed to a local utility company. (Excluded: Pay as you go plans or if part of rent)
A valid personal photo identification and Social Security card.
If requesting utility assistance, a current utility bill with name and address matching your ID. (Request must be made at least 5 days before disconnection date.)
We issue one voucher per person or household.
Eligibility is once every six months.
Self-Serve Exterior Food Pantry
Stocked twice a week. It provides a source of emergency aid to those seeking food assistance and basic-need items.
What we offer:
Foods able to be eaten without a stove or refrigerator and basic hygiene items when available.
First come first serve.
No appointment needed.
No ID required.
Only take what you need for that day.
Disclaimer: Receipt of assistance is not guaranteed as availability of services offered is determined by availability of funding. The services we offer, dollar amounts given, and guidelines may change at any time, for any reason without notice.